
It’s Never Too Late To Start (Setting Sail with Ship 30 for 30)

It’s never too late to start. At least that’s what I’m working with.

Because as luck would have it (and perfect support for my anxiety about putting myself out there), I caught Covid-19 right as I’m supposed to be getting ready to ship 30 atomic essays in 30 days. And then I started overthinking as I’m prone to do.

But, I’m all good now – negative test and all. I’m also ready to post valuable content over the next 30 days. The aim is to help the online service providers with their web copy.

So, who am I trying to help over these next 30 days?

I work with coaches, course creators, and consultants to position their offers to attract & convert their ideal audience to paying clients. The goal is engagement, connection, and conversion (my ECC Framework – but more about that later).

And this is also introverted me … stepping out of my comfort zone and sharing what knowledge and experience I have in helping other business owners like you market through the power of words.

But that’s not to say what I’ll be sharing can’t be adopted by other service providers who want to market their expertise online. You’ll definitely be able to adopt these tips to your own online marketing efforts.

So, over the next 30 days, you can expect tips and insights about the key copy assets you need to nurture and grow your audience and then convince them to choose you.

Ready to learn how to convert more of your ideal prospects into clients with copywriting?

Cheers to stepping out from the shadows! Let’s see what happens in the next 30 days and beyond.

And if you’d like direct access to get these and other copy insights, follow me on Twitter @yvettejwriting or sign up to my newsletter.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways we can work together.

Sales Page Audit – Audit and optimize your sales page to increase conversions

VIP Week – Knock out your sales page or email launch sequence in 7 days or less when you book a VIP Week

VIP Day – Get cracking on those must-do sales copy projects (emails, landing pages) with a VIP Day package