Does your website or email copy get the results you’d like? If not, find out why website copy audit services are the best thing to get you back on the conversion track.
Copy audit services are now available at YvetteJ Writing.
So, is a copy audit right for you?
Let’s see.
Ever wondered why some of the ugliest websites are still selling? It’s the words on the page, the stories they’re sharing, the compelling copy that’s pulling in prospects.
So, what’s the matter with yours?
Why aren’t your customers clicking through in your emails? Why is that your website isn’t getting traffic? Or when you do get visitors, they don’t convert.
The culprit could be your copy.
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ToggleHow do you fix all of this?
That’s where a copy audit comes in handy.
You could have the prettiest of sites, but if the right words aren’t there in the right way, then you’ll fail to make an impact.
So, a copy audit is about getting a specialist to review your content. With the person’s help – you can identify areas in your copy (and page layout) that may be leaving money on the table.
Yes, sometimes the issue is not the copy. But, because copy plays such a huge role in converting visitors, you need to make sure it’s working for you.
Do you need a website copy audit?
A web copy audit is a quick way to get to the core of any issues with your website copy. Every website should be periodically checked. And if you’ve never had yours done, then this is an excellent time to get it done.
So, is your website as you’d like? Are you seeing the level of conversions you’ve been used to or none at all?
Other questions you should consider include:
- did you DIY the copy?
- have you updated the copy since you first launched your website?
- are you getting a lot of traffic but little to no conversions?
- does your web copy connect with your brand?
Based on how you respond to these questions will determine if you need to get a copy audit done.
After you get a copy audit, you can choose to implement the recommendations yourself. Or, you could outsource them to a copywriting team.
If you get your copy audit through YvetteJ writing, you can choose to have any proposed improvements implemented by me. (The good part of continuing with me is that you’d get a discount on the overall project because a part of the research process would be completed through the audit).
So, what are the benefits of a copy audit?
Not sure how a copy audit could help? Here are 4 major benefits of a website copy audit.

1. An objective review of your content
You’re close to the work. So it’s hard to see what might be staring you right in the face. But, an independent person can quickly look through and find where the optimization opportunities are waiting.
2. Next best thing to hiring a copywriter
Asking a friend what they think about your website won’t get you the results you need. So, if you’ve wanted to hire a copywriter but just didn’t have the funds, this is the next best thing.
You get the expertise of a copywriter reviewing your website and giving you actionable tips on how to improve it.
3. Get closer to your copy goals
All website content and copy have a purpose. If they aren’t meeting the goal you set, then you need to find out why. With a detailed video and text roadmap of how to improve your site, you’re a step closer to meeting your copy goals.
4. Improve your website ROI
Your website is an investment in your business; it’s not an expense.
Therefore, it should be giving you a return on that investment. Implement the results of the website copy audit and start reaping the benefits.
Ready to enjoy the power of optimized copy?
The YvetteJ Website Copy Audit will help you:
- Find the opportunities waiting to be exploited in your copy
- Walk away with actionable strategies to improve your website or email copy
- Give you greater insights into writing your website copy
Request your copy audit and find the opportunities just waiting in your copy to give you back that ROI that was there all along.